+254795213449, 254722798710
Nairobi, Kenya

St. John Paul II College

An initiative of the Philothea Missionary Society


St. John Paul II College

An initiative of the Philothea Missionary Society

St. John Paul II College

St. John Paul II College is an initiative of the Philothea Missionary Society in pursuit of an all-inclusive higher education for all, with special focus on strong families and empowerment of young people. It will also provide special needs programmes for physically challenged and for those recovering from addiction and those who accompany them, including their teachers and caretakers. The John Paul II College will operate as a private educational institution, registered with the Government of Kenya under the Ministry of Education. The College will focus on offering a wide variety of affordable and high quality tertiary education to suitably qualified students from the entire East and Central African region, with a special emphasis on youth and their challenges, and of strengthening the family unit as a formation centre for young people in an inclusive education environment. The institution is located on a 15 acre piece of land, parcel number Kajiado/Olchoro Onyore/1381, located approximately 10 km from Kiserian town and 5 km from the Pipeline road Junction.

Our Vision

The College envisions providing quality Catholic education setting for all, to pursue inclusive tertiary education to improve families, youth and society

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide quality Catholic education to all through holistic formation programmes in Humanities and Social sciences, Leadership and Special Needs Programmes. To this end the College is committed to providing all round quality education in an environment which promotes love, freedom, responsibility, excellence in teaching and research, ethical and integral development in service to the church and the Society.

Courses Offered

Business Creation and Entrepreneurship
Business Information Technology
Journalism and New Media
Counselling Psychology
Rehabilitation Science
Health Care Management
Theology and Pastoral Studies
Marriage and Family Pastoral Studies
Agriculture and Food Security

What is Unique

  • It is a middle level Catholic college, targeting the local population of Kajiado and Kenya as a whole, offering spiritual and economic-market oriented courses for the youth, family and community development.
  • It provides an educative environment where both the normal students and the physically challenged can learn and grow together
  • Given the emphasis on youth and community development, specific courses on business and entrepreneurship, personal growth and development will be offered and required across all courses.
  • Fees charged for courses undertaken will be affordable and competitive in comparison to other tertiary institutions in the Country.

Specific Objectives

(i) To secure excellent teaching and learning opportunities for all students.
(ii) To provide holistic education geared towards transforming the lives of all students, strengthening and empowering the youth and community development.
(iii) To secure access, equity and quality education for its students with special needs.

Accredition and Affiliation

The John Paul II College will operate as a private educational institution, registered with the government of Kenya under the Ministry of Education. The courses offered will be accredited by universities in Nairobi, and elsewhere in the world.

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