Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis de Sales In Style
The feast of St. Francis De Sales is normally celebrated on the January 24th. And this year, 2021, was not going to be an exemption for the Philothea Missionary Society. As much as Covid-19 is still a scare globally, safety measures were followed to the letter through social distancing, sanitizing and all that good stuff. Nobody was exempted from these health requirements and everybody was compliant. If St. Francis De Sales could be asked what he thought of his feast day, I’m certain he would say that he was happy, impressed and overwhelmed by the love the Philothea Family showed him and our Blessed Mother Mary. With humility in his response, he continues to be the Patron Saint of Philothea Missionary Society and honoured by his Philothea sons and daughters.
From Rt. Rev. Bishop Maurice Muhatia, the Bishop of Nakuru diocese and the Patron Bishop of Philothea Missionaries, the founders, Sr. Florence Philothea and Fr. George Kocholickal, to the entire Philothea Family, in their different ministries, came out in love to celebrate this saint who was not shy to share on the goodness of God and on how God is Love.
There was renewal of promises to the work of God, new vocations welcomed to the Philothea Family and above all, witness to the unity in the Philothea Family that was born from St. Francis De Sales who has been a point of reference, a pillar of strength and a guide and defender to the Philothea family. It was a day the Philotheas’ came together to praise God and thank HIM for his Goodness and Love. The Philothea family prayed to St. Francis De Sales and continue to pray to him to intercede for the Philothea Family.
The Take Home from the Philotheas on the Feast day, is that we must not only honour him in every way possible but follow his teachings and spread it far and wide. His dream of the all Christ’s faithful growing in devotion and holiness in very much possible if only we follow his advices without giving into discouragement.
St. Francis de Sales Pray for us!