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Philothea Formation Programmes empowered me in my life

Charles Maina
Trainer, Author

I joined Philothea Missionary Society as a lay missionary in the year 2005 after being introduced by my father who was then working in the same compound where Philothea Formation house was. He never understood what he was introducing me to, neither did I. During my first few months of formation classes, I only grasped the word “Love” which appeared multiple times from every formator – Love of God and Love of Neighbour.

The main challenge as a lay Missionary has been to live the missionary commitment in a very secularized world and the challenge of balancing family, work and missionary work. Through on-going formation, recollections and retreats, I and my spouse have experienced many graces from God such as Love of prayer and the Word of God, the strength to persevere, accepting and overcoming challenges of the secular world with filial trust in God, blessings with a good family, various possibilities to serve in various pastoral work in the Parishes, Schools and other learning institutions as well as being a role-model in the places of work.

We strive, despite emerging challenges to be a good role model in our Small Christian Community, liturgical groups in the parish, places of work and also in the neighborhood. This is because of the sound faith foundations we received from the Philothea formation programmmes. I have served in the Ministries to the youth, Catechetical, Liturgy and vocations promotion. Motivated by the Scriptures, “We have seen the Messiah” (Jn. 1: 41), I never fail to talk to others about the goodness of God, the excellence of the formation programmes and my spiritual experiences in Philothea Missionary Society.