+254795213449, 254722798710
Nairobi, Kenya

Friends of Philothea

Friends of Philothea are committed apostolic-minded Christians and associate members of the Philothea Missionary Society. They are called by God to the universal vocation to holiness in grace and virtue in and through the Philothea charism and the Philothea Family. The Friends of Philothea seek to respond to the call to “universal holiness” through the path traced out by Saint Francis de Sales, the Doctor of Charity, and as elaborated by the Philothea Missionaries under the guidance of the Spiritual Director and the Mission Council. The Lord Jesus lived his life of love through his teaching and healing ministry. Similarly as apostolic persons and as those who live the motto “Love in Action” (Change the World through love) the Friends of Philothea assist the Philothea Mission through outreach and net-working, by supporting the founding and development of educational Institutions, homes for the infirm, and the other initiatives approved by the Mission Council for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. The Friends of Philothea, living the "relational" spirituality of love, build strong spiritual friendships among them following the teachings of Saint Francis de Sales. They meet once in every three months at the Saint Francis de Sales Family Spiritual Centre (Kiserian) for their regular sharing apart from their participation in the major events of the Philothea Family. The Friends of Philothea are required to keep up their on-going formation through the monthly conference, recollection and annual retreat. They are to follow their specific Regulations.