About the Ministry

Philothea Mission Health Care Ministry operates under the guidance of the Philothea Missionary Society. Its mission is to heal the sick, serve the poor and vulnerable, and lead by example. We follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who not only healed the sick, but also challenged and transformed the social norms of the society through his life and actions.
The goal of the Philothea Health care Ministry is “to facilitate provision of sustainable curative, preventive, promotive and rehabilitative health services to all in accordance with the social teachings of the Catholic Church,” and guided by the following principles:
- Respect for the dignity of the human person;
- Respect of sanctity of human life from conception to its natural end.
Its main interventions are the following
- Community Health Care Service Delivery
- Nursing Care Services
- Home Health Care Visitation
- HIV –AIDS and COVID Community Health Management Programmes
- Healthy Nutrition for Vulnerable Cases
- Environmental Health Management
Philothea Health Care Ministry forms part of its institutional structure that seeks to animate its mission and vision. Catholic Healthcare is a ministry of the Church continuing Jesus’ mission, love and healing. An enduring sign of Catholic health care is rooted in the belief that every person is a treasure; every life, a sacred gift; and every human being, a unity of mind, body and spirit.
Philothea Health Care Ministry once properly established will make a significant contribution to the nation’s healthcare network. While it is estimated that Catholic Health facilities provide 21% of health services in Kenya, Philothea Health Care Ministry targets to have a network of 5 health facilities within its jurisdiction by the year 2030.
Philothea Health Care Ministry will also:
- Link with donors who wish to work directly with our facilities, as well as the County health offices and regulatory bodies;
- Coordinate Holy Mass to mark the annual World Day of the Sick with its jurisdiction;
- Organize quarterly meetings with administrators of Community Health Facilities within the Kajiado County;
- Support leadership and governance of these health facilities;
- Facilitate relevant policy formulation and dissemination to health facilities; and
- Link with the other community health coordinators in Kajiado County