Philothea Priests
Philothea Priests, sharing in the ministerial priesthood of Christ, are responsible for the spiritual animation and unity of the family. They in a special way break the Word and administer the Sacraments for the Philothea family members and those others to whom they may be sent. Qualities that make a good Philothea Priest
- A personal relationship with God evidenced by prayer and faithful and daily celebration of the liturgy of the Church
- Faithful to the daily Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Regular Confession, Adoration of the Holy Eucharist, and the Community rhythm of prayer
- Love for the word of God shown in daily reading and meditation and love for the Tradition of the Church shown through the study of the Fathers, Doctors and Saints in the Catholic Church.
- Love and Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary leading to a personal consecration to her
- Love for the Catholic Church and its magisterial teachings shown especially in studying them, living and teaching them faithfully
- Generosity with ones gifts, talents and time especially in serving the community and the faithful
- Ability to work well with others
- Openness to different races, ethnic groups and cultures
- Capacity and desire to learn, to acquire knowledge
- Ability to spend time alone in study, reflection and prayer
- Courage to take risks
To Join the Formation Programme to be a Philothea Priest
He should have completed at least his Secondary School studies with a minimum mean grade of C+ and above. He is also required to present a letter of recommendation from his parish priest, medical certificate and a letter of permission from his parents. If the application is favourably considered by the Vocation Director and the Mission Council then he will undertake various formations programmes in accordance with the Canon Law and the Constitution Philothea Missionary Society. There will be a month long vocation camp or “Come and See” for those who are in the process of Inquiry. N/B: One can also join Philothea Missionary Priests from any other Philothea groups provided he meets the above requirements and his request is approved by the Mission Council in liaison with Formation Director and Spiritual Director.