+254795213449, 254722798710
Nairobi, Kenya

Philothea Missionary Sisters - PMS

Philothea Sisters

Philothea missionary Sisters are called to an “active missionary apostolate” of education, healthcare services, youth and family ministry and ongoing formation of Christ’s Faithful. Inspired by the writings and teachings of St. Francis de Sales we strive to form and educate Christ’s faithful through our community daily life, of contemplative prayer life, and the apostolates of education, healthcare and formation programmes.

To become a Philothea Missionary Sister

For one to be a Philothea Missionary Sister, she should have completed at least her Secondary School studies with a mean grade of C and above. She should have done at least a basic certificate course/training in any of the human development programmes such: Education, Catechetics, IT, Communications, Book-keeping, catering, counselling, dress-making etc. She is also required to present a letter of recommendation from her parish priest, medical certificate and a letter of permission from her parents. If the application is favourably considered by the Vocation Directress and the Mission Council then she will undertake various formations programmes in accordance with the directive of the Canon Law and the Constitution Philothea Missionary Sisters. There is a month long vocation camp or “come and see” for those who are in the process of Inquiry.

Our Life Style

Ours is a life of vowed Poverty, Chastity and obedience lived in simplicity and humility in:

  • A joyful community life of love, witnessed by a simple, traditional habit
  • A personal relationship with God evidenced by prayer and daily celebration of the liturgy of the Church
  • Faithful to the daily Eucharistic celebration, Regular Confession (at least monthly), Adoration of the Holy Eucharist, and the Community rhythm of work, prayer and study
  • A community life of loving service,
  • In the gentle spirit of St. Francis de Sales.

We Need You!


Are you willing to share your time and talent? Make a
difference in the world? We need you to work with us.

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