+254795213449, 254722798710
Nairobi, Kenya


“Jesus has a specific task in life for each and every one of us. Each one of us is hand-picked, called by name by Jesus! There is no one among us who does not have a divine vocation!” (Saint John Paul II).

A vocation begins with Christ, who makes an approach in love to an individual person, leading him to search for a path in life by which to respond to Christ’s love. In prayerful dialogue with Christ, this person then examines his personal circumstances, in order to find the path of life in which he can make the best gift of himself in love.

To Join the Formation Programme to be a Philothea Priest

He should have completed at least his Secondary School studies with a minimum mean grade of C+ and above. He is also required to present a letter of recommendation from his parish priest, medical certificate and a letter of permission from his parents. If the application is favourably considered by the Vocation Director and the Mission Council then he will undertake various formations programmes in accordance with the Canon Law and the Constitution Philothea Missionary Society. There will be a month long vocation camp or “Come and See” for those who are in the process of Inquiry.

To become a Philothea Missionary Sister

For one to be a Philothea Missionary Sister, she should have completed at least her Secondary School studies with a mean grade of C and above. She should have done at least a basic certificate course/training in any of the human development programmes such: Education, Catechetics, IT, Communications, Book-keeping, catering, counselling, dress-making etc. She is also required to present a letter of recommendation from her parish priest, medical certificate and a letter of permission from her parents. If the application is favourably considered by the Vocation Directress and the Mission Council then she will undertake various formations programmes in accordance with the directive of the Canon Law and the Constitution Philothea Missionary Sisters. There is a month long vocation camp or “come and see” for those who are in the process of Inquiry.

To Join the Philothea Missionary Groups

Lay Missionaries

Philothea Lay Missionaries living fully in the world, experiencing its joys and sorrows, and at the same time challenged radically by the tragic loss of the “love of God” in many human hearts (cf. Jn 5:42), engage in various ministries (ministerial mission to the family, youth, professionals, catechetical formation, pastoral care to the sick, liturgical formation) to gain God’s children back to Him. She/he is actively present in the secular world in its manifold professions – as student, farmer, teacher, lawyer, politician, planner, economist, journalist, programmer, artist – but at the same time living a life “hid with Christ in God” (Col 3:3) wanting to be “salt” of the earth and “light” in this world (cf. Mt. 5:13-16) by helping to transform the lives of people and their families.

Friends of Philothea

Friends of Philothea are committed apostolic-minded Christians and associate members of the Philothea Missionary Society. They are called by God to the universal vocation to holiness in grace and virtue in and through the Philothea charism and the Philothea Family. The Friends of Philothea seek to respond to the call to “universal holiness” through the path traced out by Saint Francis de Sales, the Doctor of Charity, and as elaborated by the Philothea Missionaries under the guidance of the Spiritual Director and the Mission Council.

Saint Rita Ministry

Following the example of the holy women who served Jesus (Luke 8:1-3), members of this group within the Philothea Family support vocations and the mission of the Philothea Missionary Society. Membership to this group is open to women only. The group meets once in every two months and are devoted in a special way to Saint Rita, the saint of the Impossible!.

Saint Joseph Group

Drawn by Saint Joseph, the Patron Saint of the Universal Church, the members of the Saint Joseph Group (consisting of exclusively men) strive to grow as men of interior life and prayer, as good husbands and fathers. As a group within the Philothea Family the members support the growth of the mission of the Philothea Missionary Society, especially its development through the intercession of Saint Joseph. The group meets every month for prayers and once every two months for formation.

Saint Jane de Chantal Prayer Group

It is a group within the Philothea Family to support the growth of the mission, primarily through intercessory prayers. The members of the group dedicates prayers daily for the Mission (Rosary and Holy Eucharist) and spends every Thursday some time in adoration praying for the intentions of the Mission. Membership to this group is open to any member of the Philothea family, who is inspired to pray. The group meets once in every two months

Training and Formation for those who wish to join any of the Groups:

After an interview (normally in the month of August) a candidate is admitted to the formation programme which lasts for a whole year (twice in a month on Saturdays). He/she should have completed his/her Form IV education and be a practicing Catholic (Letters of recommendation from the priests are necessary). After a year-long formation, on the Feast of Saint Francis de Sales the person then commits as an Associate of the Philothea Missionary Society to work in a specific area of ministry. All members are required to keep up their on-going formation through the monthly conference, recollection and annual retreat. They are to follow their specific Regulations.